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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Christmas Wishlist

I rarely get to see things that I really really liked. More often than not, I'm such a stingy person that even most of my clothes are gifts from others, just a few were bought with my own money and they were mostly because I badly need them (like office clothes and all).

But here are some of the stuffs that I'm currently craving for:

1. Lacoste Hot play for men (nice citrus scent)

2. Any techie stuffs: but here are some examples

a. Mac notebook: a friend told me that instead of buying the usual one, just buy the titanium one.

b. an iPod and a Sony PsP (slim one)

c. a palm pilot, whatever brand it is , I'm happy

d. hmmm again, whatever techie stuff

3. Of course, a car. I really get pissed off when I see kids my age driving a BMW. bitter bitter me.

... yeah I know, they're really expensive. The most realistic would be just the Lacoste hot play.

0 mga umutot:


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